PepsiCo Aptitude Tests & Hiring Process Preparation – 2025

What Is PepsiCo?
PepsiCo is a multinational company that sells snacks, beverages, and food and owns companies like Pepsi, TacoBell, Lays, and more. They are found in more than 200 countries and territories across the world. They were founded in 1965 and have grown ever since then. They offer benefits like health insurance, parental leave, home and auto insurance, and retirement saving plans.
What Is PepsiCo’s Hiring Process?
The first step to becoming employed at PepsiCo is to apply for a job. They have open positions available on their website. You can sort by location and position. They use a CandidateCare applicant tracking system, otherwise known as an ATS. This system will screen your resume and cover letter for predetermined keywords and phrases according to the position you are applying for. This helps them to quickly screen out applicants who don’t have the qualifications they need. It also means that you need to be intentional about what you say in your resume and cover letter; tailor them to the mission and wording of PepsiCo.
Once your resume and cover letter pass through the ATS, PepsiCo will request a short screening interview. It may happen online, through video chat, or over the phone. This interview may be up to 30 minutes long. They will ask you about your education and your previous jobs, including why you left your previous job. You may also discuss what your job will look like if you get the position and any benefits you will receive. This will help you to understand better the role you are applying for and if you want to continue with the hiring process. It also helps them to understand who you are and if they think you would be a good fit for the team.
After the telephone interview, there may be an in-person interview and panel interview. In these interviews, they will ask you more about yourself and why you are the right person for the job. You will be expected to show your knowledge of the industry and your position.
Here are some sample interview questions you may be asked:
- Why did you choose PepsiCo?
- How would you deal with a difficult team member?
- Tell me about a time when you showed leadership.
- Tell me about a time when you motivated a team.
To recap, you need to be aware of two things to get a job at PepsiCo: their CandidateCare applicant tracking system that looks for specific keywords and phrases on your resume and cover letter and their Wonderlic assessments.
What Assessments Does PepsiCo Use?
PepsiCo uses several different assessments to judge your ability to perform the job they might hire you for. Because of the importance placed on these assessments, you will want to practice for them. By practising, you will have more confidence and a better chance of success.
Wonderlic Personnel Test
PepsiCo uses the Wonderlic Personnel Test–QuickTest (WPT-Q) and the Wonderlic Personnel Test-Revised (WPT-R). These tests go over your knowledge of general facts, tests your recognition, logic, verbal reasoning, and mathematical word problems. It’s essential to prepare for these tests since failing them means that you will not advance further in the application process.
Wonderlic Personnel Test–QuickTest
This test has 30 questions that you must complete in 8 minutes. The WPT-Q tests your ability to understand the directions, quickly solve problems, and learn and retain new information. This test is usually used as a screening tool early on in the application and recruitment process. This test can be done online and without supervision.
Wonderlic Personnel Test-Revised
This is the full Wonderlic Personnel Test, unlike the shortened WPT-Q above. This test has 50 questions that you must complete in 12 minutes. That means that you have less than 15 seconds to answer each question. This test is done further along in the hiring process and will test you on your decision-making skills, response time, and analytical ability. It can be taken either online or on paper. To make sure there is no cheating, the WPT-R can not be taken unsupervised.
Mechanical Test
Depending on what position you apply for, you may also be asked to take a mechanical aptitude test. This test will go over your knowledge of mechanical parts and concepts. This test will be geared towards the position that you applied for. If you are applying for a mechanical maintenance job for their trucks, they will not ask you about aeroplane parts. This test will verify to them that you have the skills necessary for your job and rank you against the other candidates.
Verbal Reasoning Test
Depending on what position you apply for, they may also ask you to take a verbal reasoning test. This test will assess your comprehension, logic, and reasoning. You will be asked to analyse passages and say whether the information presented is “true,” “false,” or “unable to determine.” This test is not trying to assess your spelling or vocabulary. They want to know if you can think through information or if you jump to conclusions.
Numerical Reasoning Test
Depending on what position you apply for, you may also need to take a numerical reasoning test. PepsiCo will use this test to determine your math skills. This assessment will test you on things like percentages, fractions, graphs, and fractions. The type of equations they ask you to solve will be the same types of problems that you’ll be working within your position. When you prepare for this test, make sure that you are practising on math equations that you will be using in your field.
How to Prepare for PepsiCo Aptitude Tests?
When taking the Wonderlic test, you will not be allowed to use a calculator. Because of that, when you practice for the tests, make sure to practice writing the math problems out on paper. By doing this, you will be better prepared for the test.
Remember that not all positions need the same Wonderlic score. When you are preparing for your position, find what score they require to be hired, and make sure that you are passing that amount in your practice tests.
By tailoring your resume and practising for the assessments, you will have a better chance of being hired at PepsiCo.